Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 12

I have the day to myself, which is really rare. I don't have much to do besides catch up on the kind of housework that's hard when there's a little one around. It's a nice day outside, my jeans feel loose (I only just squeezed into them right before I started my fast) and I am looking forward to cheating with a Starbucks (soy latte), which I haven't done in a few days.

The belly dance (it's got 'dance' in the title but it's really just a workout) video that I posted a link to, I did it again last night and I am so sore all over but I love it. I'd gotten so used to my routine over the last weeks, that I wasn't feeling the burn that I love. Fasting is lovely but sometimes not nearly masochistic enough for me. So now that the hunger pains don't even bother happening anymore, I needed to increase my cardio to feel the sweet relief (read: pain). :p

I hope everyone is doing well today. I'm thinking of you all and sending you all my strength and love; I can only hope I can somehow be even a fraction of the support and backbone that you girls are for me! You're all beautiful, amazing and inspiring and don't forget it.



  1. I hear ya. Hunger pain itself doesn't always "hurt" enough. And I like the thinspo pic you posted. God, if I laid like that you'd see my hips and belly and big flabby shoulders from that angle. No way in hell I could hide my whole body behind myself like that!

    Keep up the good work, and bring on the pain!



  2. Ahh Emily I can't reply to your blog, it cuts off the word verification thing :(

    I wanted to say thank you and welcome back! Also, it's really great you barely gained during your time 'off'!!

    Lots of love


  3. and same here, if *only* I could ever be as small and wrapped up as the lady in the pic! haha


  4. hahaha i LOVE to feel the pain too.. the achy muscles, the rumbling stomach, i love it all, you know you're doing something right when that happens ;)
    keep it up love x

  5. That pic is amazing!

    And I'm a masochist too. I wish I could get myself to do a long water-only fast but I'm not there yet. But I will be. :)

    You inspire me.

  6. You are so sweet, love. I feel like I'm not doing water-only because of the juice and coffee... but without it I definitely wouldn't be able to fast. oh well.

    Sending you all my strength and love


  7. I LOVE belly dancing as a workout.
    The first few times made me SO sore afterward, but I think im getting better :P

    Stay strong!

    XOXO Sophia Ruins <3

  8. I miss you. :P

    I know I'm the only one who's been absent, and even as I write that I know I haven't been THAT absent. Just feels like it.

    You're so inspiring to me...when I feel *this* shitty, I should just know to come here for a pick-me-up (and great thinspo, too) ;)

    I'm thinking a fast may be in order. The last one I did was only 24 hours and it was water only...I made it, but barely, and I wasn't very good at being strong. Just determined not to fail. Still whined the whole time. :P

    Today was horrible for me. I posted about it. I don't know what to do, but I need to find myself again. Where's that girl who so easily and effortless resisted that homemade chocolate cake on the kitchen counter a few days ago? I didn't even want to *SMELL* the damn thing, much less eat it. And now...Can't keep my greedy mouth away from anything. :( Ah well, this is getting long. I'm off to the gym. I hope you're well...I know you're lovely. <3
