Saturday, January 16, 2010

For those of you kind enough to have been concerned about my hand injury - I'm glad to report it seems to be on it's way to closing up (instead of in the other direction of getting worse/infected). I'm going to just keep monitoring it for a day or two and hope it keeps continuing to heal.

I am getting to the point where I am fantasizing about food constantly; what I want to eat once I finally eat, how it will taste, smell, how much I will eat, etc. Though I won't actually eat for at least 2 more weeks... chugging water and chewing gum is only so entertaining, I guess my mind needs things to dream about.

The worst part of my hand injury is definitely that I can't hold the weights I use to work out my disgustingly flabby arms. I need to try to think of a temporary replacement workout for them until my hand heals because I'm realizing my upper arms are my biggest problem area. I have always been so focused on my gelatinous looking stomach and my thighs, that I hadn't considered that my arms would be just as flabby, if not worse, once I actually lost a good amount of weight. But I should have, because that's exactly what's happened.

I have lost 5 jean sizes since last summer (about 40 lbs.), and I just have 3 more to go (approx 25 lb.) until I'm at my ultimate goal size. I am really happy about this, BUT I have so many "problem areas" that my whole body still feels like one big problem area. Oh well I just need to keep losing and toning up, which I'm starting to realize is just as important as losing and getting cardio in.

Hope you girls are having a great weekend. Lots of love and strength



  1. wow i just read that last post and this one and that cut sounds terrible. i think you should try to make a butterfly bandage out of a normal band-aid. all you do it cut a small crescent shaped piece out of each side of the cotton part on the band aid, then give it one twist and pinch the wound together and secure the sticky parts on each side. it should hold it closed without needing stitches.
    or go on to :

    there is a better description on how to make one. if its closed sooner with help it will heal faster.
    try to take care

    stay strong

  2. I cannot believe your amazing will power! Fasting has never been a skill of mine...

    As for arm exercises without using weights. I do an exercise where you put your arms straight out to the side (so you look like a cross) and you do small arm circles forwards and backwards. Some of them with your hands in a fist and some with your palms facing up (thumbs wresting across your palms)'ll feel that that slight change in hand position will work different muscles in your arms. If you do enough without stopping you'll be able to feel a nice burn.

    Hope I helped!

  3. omg...i am so sorry to hear that you hurt yourself! Be careful! I (very selfishly) would be a mess if you stopped posting. So at least don't do anything that will keep you from typing. lol See, I said I was totally selfish! MUAH.

    meg has a good recommendation. I hope it helps you heal quickly.

    And my upper arms are the WORST too. I try to do daily upper body workouts and pushups if I can. I don't think they will ever look the way I want though unless I get huge muscles or liposuction. And honestly, I'll probably get them lipo'ed if I can afford it in the next couple of years.

    Just keep working your arms consistently and I know you'll see some more improvement soon.

    Be strong and stay lovely. xoxoxoxoxox!

  4. Thank you so much for the upper arm advice, girls!!! I am in desperate need. I'll try to incorporate push ups as well as the arm circles into my arm routine. :)

    A - I would be lost without you now too, truly!!!! <3

    Hope you're enjoying the last of the weekend. Lots of love


  5. Thankyou so much for the comment on my photos, overwhelmed by the response, I really appreciate the support from everyone..xo

    40 fckn,(im patting you on the back) I love that you understand the importance of toning up your muscles not just obsessing over weightloss.. so many girls lose the weight, but are still unhappy becuase their skin looks and feels flabby and fat.. they dont realise that just by reguarly doing simple toning exercises the problem is solved(probably wont solve the ED though) but you get what I mean yeh? good luck with the fasting, no way could i do it!!
    Take care ok xox

  6. Thank you so much Jayne <3 Truly, your photos are inspiring :)

    I am definitely trying to tone up! thank you again


  7. Oh, hun!!! I'm so so very sorry I've been so absent over the past few days, and goodness, I feel like I've missed so much! Ouch about your hand!! I can't even imagine...I would have fainted had I cut myself that way, even had I a full stomach...and you didn't!!! D:

    I'm more than glad to hear that it's getting better rather than worse; I'm with Africana...I don't know what I'd do without both your blog posts and your inspirational, uplifting comments. You're such a blessing, you don't even know!

    You're doing such an amazing job with this fast...I'm truly in disbelief and awe over your strength and dedication. I think of you daily, even if I'm horrible at letting you know.

    Thank you so much for your support and your hugs...They really do make my day. I wish you all the best today and this week; I'll keep in touch...You...keep being incredible!!!


  8. Awww thank you so so so much!!! And don't even worry, I know exactly how you're feeling right now, and it sucks! So just take your time and do what you need to do, but also know I am here for you if you ever want to talk :)

    Lots of love... you are amazing and you inspire me as well, you have no idea!!

