Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 8

I finally broke down and had to make a smoothie yesterday. I thought I was going to be able to keep water-only fasting for another week, because I like the dis-associative state but I came so close to fainting a couple times no matter how slowly I stood up or how much time I gave myself... the black tunnel just kept getting closer and closer.

So I juiced some spinach, strawberries and pomegranate and just blended them with ice so it was really low cal, just juice and ice... but my body definitely needed it. After I had that and then got a good night of sleep, I feel totally re-energized today. I guess I'll have to start having a juice or smoothie every couple days while I'm water-fasting to keep it from happening again, and I'll be fine.

I am soo flabby after losing so much weight and it's really getting me down. I do various toning exercises throughout the day but I feel like it's a losing battle. I just want to tighten up because having loose skin makes me feel just as fat as I was before.

On the bright side, I am fitting comfortably in my new jeans, had a natural bowel movement today and my collarbones are starting to emerge. What more could a fucked up girl ask for?

Hope all of you gorgeous and inspiring girls are having wonderful days today. Thank you SO SO SO much for your sweet comments and support on my last post, it truly means the world to me ... you don't even know! Love you all.



  1. Glad you are ok! Water-only fasting is hardcore but can be beneficial. I am so glad that you got what your body needed to make it through though. I don't imagine a juice or smoothie every other day will slow your weight loss down too much. I've been living on green smoothies so far this week. No solid food yet. You're my inspiration!

    And I worried about flabby skin issues too. I have already started a savings account for possible surgery next year. I just don't think I can lose the last of this week and then live with jiggly arms forever. Ugh.

    Also, I always love the thinspo you post. Great images.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Hi my dearest! You are my inspiration too, you know that! :)

    I am really growing concerned about the flab. I know I complain about everything but I seriously am not sure I'll ever be able to get all of this skin tightened. It is such a buzz kill to be losing weight but growing even squishier than before!

    You're really smart to start saving for surgery. That would be such a great way to make sure everything that you've worked for looks how you envisioned it. :)

    Lots of love!!

