Monday, February 8, 2010

No point in counting the days

... since I am not going to let myself stop fasting until I am at 115 lbs.

I thought it'd be best to take the day count away from myself, because I've been feeling proud of myself lately (due to jean size and number of days liquid fasting) but this is NOT acceptable because I am so far from my goal weight still.

So, no more counting. I am just going to continue liquid fasting with no rewards or gratification until I am sitting comfortably in a size 4, which will hopefully be within the next 5 weeks, so help me.

I am so repulsed by my flabby stomach and arms I can't even explain it. I hate it so much. I feel so huge and disgusting everywhere like my blubber and fat just leaks out onto everyone's unfortunate eyes.

I wish I could say sorry to everyone who has to visually encounter me. I'm so ashamed.

In addition, my boyfriend has two different women actively pursuing him despite knowing he's in a relationship... and it's really fucking stressing me out. Our relationship is so new and although he assures me he only wants me, which is why he's with me and not them, I couldn't feel any more insecure than I do right now about myself... I don't need some skanks fucking everything up that I'm working so hard for.

Much like myself, this post sucks.



  1. If your boyfriend really cares about yoy or love you, he wouldn't even talk to those females! If he gives in to temptation, he is not the one and he does not deserve you!

    Good luck at reaching that size 4! :)

  2. Aw thank you so much, you're so sweet.

    I know you're right about him. he's just so damn polite and sweet, I wish he was more rude or spoke up for himself more, at least. oh well.

    Thanks again love and keep up the amazing work on your diet :)


  3. ive been there with the skanks hanging all over C and it was a tough time in our relationship. just hang in there and if it comes down to it, punch their faces in till they get the point that he's taken lol.
    you are going to be in that size 4 in no time!
    stay strong

  4. Meg! hahah yes <3 Thank you, I so needed that.

    You stay strong too, you're doing so well :)

    Thanks again and lots of love!


  5. you got this little lady! Stay strong :) Boys are boys and they never know how to say the right thing or do the right thing, but he's with you right? So those other girls are just losers after a guy who is already TAKEN! Think positively :) your post was NOT lame!

  6. Aw thank you so much. You guys make me feel so much better. Lots of love xoxox
