Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 4

Was such a bitch to my boyfriend today. I feel really, really bad but of course I won't admit it to him.

I've become painfully aware of my own irrationality in the last couple of years, and subsequently, aware of how obliviously unreasonable I was before I started to notice it all (especially when I'm starving!!!). I wish these revelations had included clues on how I could somehow not be an agoraphobic, manic, maladaptive and negative waste of space, instead of simply realizing that I am... but no such luck. :p

Have to take a moment to rejoice, though, because it's my 4th day without food. The first week is such a bastard. I need to get to the peaceful state... roll on week 2! Which is also hopefully when I'll start shedding some pounds and seeing some results to keep me motivated for the long haul.

I hope you lovely and inspiring people are all having gorgeous days today, lots of strength and love



  1. Ahh i completely understand the feeling of irrationality.. Im about as stubborn as you it seems - i am NEVER wrong.
    He'll forgive you soon enough, they always do. :)

    Stay strong today, week two is within reach :)

  2. - Hola prinn.. quiero hacerte un regalo, pero antes te paso a explicar...

    Hoy me sentí sola... como me viene pasando ultimamente... Cuando entre a mi blog empeze a leer a mis princess como vos y me dí cuenta de qe si las tengo a ustedes y de que siempre estan ahi para mí.. por esa razon me encantaria que pases por mi blog.. y si la aceptas.. pongas la imagen qe vez en mi entrada en tu blog.. para que sepas que cuando vez esa imagen te encuentras conmigo y con todas las princes..

    regalaseló a las princesas que te acompañan.. que esta imagen nos represente.. desde ya, gracias por tu tiempo, te deseo lo mejor! yo copiaré este texto así se lo puedo explicar a todas, si la imagen significa lo mismo para vos puedes hacerlo ♥

    Un abrazooo :)

  3. wow you're doing so great! keep it up.. just think about how skinny skinny skinny you're going to be after your fast! wahoo! =]

    i'm sorry about the boyfriend issue. i do the same thing to my boyfriend when i haven't eaten in a while. it sucks because i feel so bad about it afterwards. i'm so sorry. hang in there. you can do it. =]

  4. Even being able to realise you are being irrational is a huge feat. It's like a fish suddenly realising it's in a lake. Take stock of your surroundings and you'll slowly find ways to climb out of it.

    I had a lovely and unproductive day today XD Good luck with getting your calm week two brainspace <3

  5. Oh yay the comments show up now!!!!!! *happy dance*

    Thank you all so so so much for your support, encouragement and kind words... I appreciate it more than you know!

    Lots of loveeee

